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Collection Items

Vocational Heavy Construction Technology program: a comprehensive plan including program needs and future directions
In 1997 Warren Diesslin, former Warden of the Buena Vista Correctional Facility, and Eddie Kochman, former Colorado Division of Wildlife (CDOW) Aquatic Section Manager, met and discussed a joint venture to rehabilitate degraded stream habitats while…

Upper Arkansas River instream habitat restoration project:<br /><br />
2020 annual site assessment
Monitoring activities to evaluate restoration effectiveness for the upper Arkansas River Habitat Restoration Project were conducted by Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) and contractors during 2020 and 2021. Efforts were primarily focused on data…

Draft proposed Upper Colorado River Headwaters project monitoring plan
In December 2016, a group of partners including American Rivers, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), Colorado River Water Conservation District (CRWCD), Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB), Denver Water, Grand County, Irrigators of Lands in the…

Formalin sensitivity in rainbow trout
Formalin is a commonly used prophalyctic antifungal and antiparasitic treatment of fish and fish eggs, yet little is known about the differential sensitivity among strains after exposure as eggs. This study seeks to determine the sensitivities…

Planned biological monitoring and habitat restoration oversight in the Upper Colorado River
The upper Colorado River is an iconic drainage in Colorado that has been severely impacted by impoundments and reduced flows. Trans-basin and local water use divert approximately 67% of the flow of the upper Colorado River and future projects will…

Whitewater park projects: guidance for reviewing 404 projects
Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s (CPW) statutory mission is to perpetuate the wildlife resources of the State, to provide a quality State Parks system, and to provide enjoyable and sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities that educate and inspire…

Adventures as a young naturalist
Come on an outdoor journey discovering Colorado’s state parks.

Abert&#039;s squirrel coloring page
Coloring pages for Abert's squirrel

Student&#039;s guide Colorado snowmobile training course
Outdoor sports have always been a way of life to Coloradans. So it will be, in the future, if every participant of every outdoor sport strives to enjoy his liking in a responsible manner. One of the best ways to insure our right to the nonrestricted…
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