Fact Sheets
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Fact Sheets
CPW Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet
Collection Items
Aquatics Research Fact Sheets
One to two page summaries of aquatics research projects.
Print copies located in CPW Research Library: SK 375 .R39 2013-current
Print copies located in CPW Research Library: SK 375 .R39 2013-current
Chronic Wasting Disease in Colorado
Describes CWD, species affected, hunter precautions, mandatory CWD testing, and CWD management
Hydatid Disease
Fact sheet covering species affected in Colorado, what to look for, cause and transmission, and public health considerations.
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease
Fact sheet covering species affected in Colorado, what to look for, cause and transmission, and public health concerns.
Sarcoptic mange
Fact sheet covering species affected in Colorado, what to look for, cause and transmission, and public health considerations.
Hemorrhagic Disease
Fact sheet covering species affected in Colorado, what to look for, cause and transmission, and public health considerations.
Canine Distemper
Fact sheet covering species affected in Colorado, what to look for, cause and transmission, and public health considerations.
Fibromas in Deer
Fact sheet covering species affected in Colorado, what to look for, causes and transmission, and public health considerations.
Deer Adenovirus
Fact sheet: “Deer adenovirus” causes death by damaging blood vessels in the lungs, intestines, and/or other organs in deer, elk, and pronghorn in Colorado.
Diseases at Feeders
Fact sheet: Many diseases are spread at bird feeders including salmonellosis, trichomoniasis, finch conjunctivitis, avian pox, and others.
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- Fact Sheets