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CPW Brochures
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Collection Items
Water for motorboats
Colorado lakes and reservoirs where motorboats are allowed
Print copy, CPW Library: FILE Wat
Print copy, CPW Library: FILE Wat
Colorado master angler program
There are two categories for anglers to consider in the Master Angler Award Program. One category is for kept fish, the other is for released fish. There is a year-end award for released fish.
Living with coyotes
The name “coyote” (Canis latrans) is derived from the Aztec word “coyotl.” Coyotes are found throughout the United States (except Hawaii) and in most of Canada. Prior to 1900, coyotes were restricted to areas west of the Mississippi in the United…
Scuba divers can help stop aquatic hitchhikers
Divers can unintentionally spread freshwater aquatic nuisance species (ANS) such as the zebra or quagga mussel, New Zealand Mudsnail (NZMS), Eurasian watermilfoil, spiny water flea, or Asian clam from one body of water to another on their scuba…
Boater’s guide to aquatic nuisance species (ANS) inspections
Preventing the introduction and spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) is critical to protect water resources! ANS are a significant and rapidly growing threat to Colorado’s water supply and to boating and fishing recreation. ANS are invasive…
Protect Colorado’s lands and waters
Invasive species are plants, animals, insects or diseases that are not native to Colorado and have harmful negative effects on the economy and environment. They are introduced accidentally or intentionally outside of their native range. Because they…
Tips for a speedy invasive species boat inspection
The better prepared you and your boat are for an inspection, the faster it will go!
Anglers can help protect our rivers and streams from invasive species
Keep all angling gear free of mud, plants, and organic debris in between each and every use. Unknowingly moving a species from one body of water to another, even within different stretches of the same river, can start a domino effect of invasion,…
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