
Dublin Core





Collection Items

Assessment of prey vulnerability through analysis of wolf movement and kill sites
Predator-prey models have traditionally been built on the assumption that neither predators nor prey are capable of learning or adapting behavior based on past interactions. As such, these models typically account for predation by forcing prey to…

Evaluation of winter range habitat treatments on overwinter survival, density, and body condition of mule deer
The management and research of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in Colorado and throughout the Rocky Mountain West is an exciting arena for wildlife professionals as the prevailing view among biologists, managers, researchers, hunters, wildlife…

Greater sage-grouse response to surface coal mine disturbance in northwestern Colorado
Like many wildlife species, the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) has experienced extensive habitat loss and regional population declines as a result of agriculture, mining practices, and human settlement. Some…

Columbian sharp-tailed grouse reproductive ecology and chick survival in restored grasslands of Northwest Colorado
Columbian sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus) populations have declined across their range and now occupy <10% of their historic range. Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation are key factors contributing to their range…

Long-term demography of a white-tailed ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura) population in Colorado
Animals endemic to alpine habitats have been receiving increasing attention in recent years due to concerns over sensitivities of high elevation systems to climate warming. Long-term datasets are needed to assess trends in populations of alpine…

Reproductive ecology and population viability of alpine-endemic ptarmigan populations in Colorado
Understanding factors regulating populations is a fundamental goal of population ecology. Life-history traits such as survival and fecundity are key vital rates responsible for population change and may vary across elevational gradients. At the upper…

Avian point count surveys: estimating components of the detection process
Point count surveys of birds are commonly used to provide indices of abundance or, in some cases, estimates of true abundance. The most common use of point counts is to provide an index of population abundance or relative abundance. To make spatial…

A sightability model for moose developed from helicopter surveys in western Wyoming
Aerial surveys are the only practical way to estimate ungulate numbers in most of North America (LeResche and Rausch 1974, Timmerman 1974, Gassaway and Dubois 1987). These surveys, however, often provide biased estimates and only under specific…
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Collection Tree

  • Dissertations/Theses