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Collection Items

Rediscovery of a lost Cutthroat Trout lineage in the San<br /><br />
Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado
Abstract: The discovery of a distinct lineage of Cutthroat Trout in museum specimens collected from the San Juan basin precipitated an intensive search for any remaining extant populations across the putative native range of this fish. Tissue samples…

Greater sage-grouse research in the Parachute-Piceance-Roan Region of western Colorado. Part II: multi-scale habitat selection and seasonal habitat mapping
Loss and degradation of sagebrush habitat throughout western North America has led to growing concern for conservation of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and repeated petitions to list the species under the Endangered Species Act.…

Post-conference report
Post-conference report for the Partners in the Outdoors conference

Evaluation of an electric fish barrier on the South Canal, an irrigation ditch on the lower Gunnison River, Colorado
An electric fish barrier was installed on the east portal of South Canal to reduce fish entrainment associated with the construction of two hydropower plants in 2012. The objective of this study was to monitor fish entrainment and evaluate the…

Education, outreach, and partnerships 2020 annual report
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) employs some of the most talented staff committed to inspiring future generations and connecting people to meaningful outdoor experiences. Whether it’s leading a guided hike, presenting to a local school group,…

Using digital photographs and pattern recognition identify individual boreal toads (Anaxyrus boreas boreas)
Individual identification of animals can provide an array of useful capture-mark-recapture information, allowing researchers to estimate survival, movement, abundance, recruitment, and capture probability (Williams et al. 2002). This information can…

Development of landscape scale resource selection models using interpolated layers from micro-scale vegetation measurements in North Park, Colorado
State agencies have long used micro-scale vegetation measurements to assess relationships between species and how they chose their habitat. Often species select small scale habitat based on vegetation structure, the height and density of certain…

Development of distribution models for management of greater sage-grouse in North Park Colorado
Rangewide declines of greater sage-grouse and recent energy development within sagebrush habitat has led to concern for conservation of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) (GRSG) populations across Colorado, including in North Park, which…

Pilot study to assess northern bobwhite response to short-duration intensive grazing on Tamarack State Wildlife Area
Widespread suppression of historic disturbance regimes have reduced heterogeneity in vegetation communities on which many wildlife rely for various life events and stages. Northern bobwhites require areas of thicker grass cover for nesting within…

Cause specific mortality of mountain plover (Charadrius montanus) chicks in eastern Colorado: phase III. A pilot field study
The mountain plover (Charadrius montanus) is a species of special concern in Colorado with >50% of the continental population believed to breed in the eastern half of the state. In eastern Colorado breeding plovers primarily use short-grass…
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  • Reports