Aquatic Research @ CPW Library

CPW’s Library Catalog, EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), offers a “Google-like" search experience of library resources including print books and journals, digitized CPW content, databases, and e-journals.​

In EBSCO, find additional resources in the left navigation menu including:

CPW Aquatic Research Digital Collection
Navigate through the collection using the links below. Click Aquatic Research Digital Collection in the left navigation bar to return to the collection home page.

About the Library

The Research Library was created in the late 1960s to provide support primarily to the wildlife research sections. The Research Library evolved to serve the broader information management needs of CPW staff. Library collections are focused on wildlife ecology and associated ecological information and CPW public historical records such as Parks and Wildlife Commission meeting agendas and minutes. Browsing the library catalog and downloading free digital content are available to the public; however, only CPW employees can borrow print materials and access subscription e-journals and databases.​


Please contact the Research Librarian, Karen Hertel

Aquatic Research @ CPW Library